Thursday, September 16, 2010


This morning when I woke up to the sound of the alarm, which I quickly switched to snooze, I was reminded as I turned to snuggle my hubby for a few more minutes, of our beautiful honeymoon in Jamaica. It was such a special time in our newly married life, and while it was full of many adventures, it was so nice to wake up and just know that I had nothing to do all day, but spend time with my husband.
I am so blessed to be spoiled by this man, who works hours on end to put a roof over our heads, to have patience with our silly little dog, and take our daughter to art class, soccer games, sleepovers, etc. He indulges many of my irrational whims and he never seems to tire of the endless words, that pour out of my mouth at the end of the day! I am so thankful to God, for bringing us together and giving me a live better than I could ever have imagined.