Thursday, April 7, 2011

My New Favorite Thing...

During a discussion about books my friend Vix, who grew up all over the world, but ended up in the South suggested a new author Sarah Addison Allen, and her book Garden Spells. I picked up the book from the library during Christmas break and ended up reading it in one sitting during a snowstorm. Her books sparkle with magic, yet her protagonists are realistically flawed and relatable. I could not help but be captivated and wanted the book to never end, but it always does ;-) Seeing another one of her books available at the library, The Sugar Queen, I convinced my husband to drive down to Sonora during a lull in the storm to pick it up. I woke up on Friday morning and huddled under a blanket with Miles and in 4 hours quickly devoured it as well. I love chick lit! I will not thumb my nose at it, despite being an English major :-) I cannot help myself, especially when it is Southern Romantic literature. I love the settings that Allen describes and the world that she creates for her characters, I escape to it and never want to leave. I picked up 2 more of her books and I am trying to restrain myself from reading them so that I have something exciting to look forward to reading when Summer vacation begins. I hope that my husband and I will be able to tour the South sometime soon so I can experience the world myself :-)

Want I Want From the Bunny...

When the power went out for a week, last month, I had to get creative with our shower arrangements as they were not readily available. Richard was content with cold showers, but Kaitlyn and I prefer to heat water on the stove and to have sponge baths. Our saving grace during this time was Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap. The All-One Hemp Peppermint bar left us clean and tingly and I absolutely love the smell. I'm addicted to it now, and it has multiple uses throughout the house and is gentle enough for babies :-) Maybe the Easter Bunny will get the hint and bring me a basket full!


As my family and many of my friends know, I do not like Wal-Mart with a passion! I dislike going in to the store, because I always spend way too much money on junk that I do not need, as well as the fact that I strongly dislike the fact that we have only one place in our small town to purchase items such as toilet paper or laundry soap at low prices. So with the ever rising prices of gas, I have been avoiding going to Modesto as often as I would like. My thrifty and creative sister-in-law, April told me about this website, which offers free 1-2 day shipping and no sales tax on all the household items you can dream of wanting, many of which Wal-Mart does not offer! I decided to give it a try, since I love online shopping and can do it from the comfort of my own home, versus wasting precious time out shopping. I found everything that I needed at a very comparable price, plus no tax! My order was placed at 4pm Tuesday and arrived at 2pm Wednesday! I couldn't believe it! My life is definitely changed for the better :-) A huge thank you to my sister-in-law April for helping me discover this wonderful website...

P.S. I tried not to say "hate" in this post, although I really wanted to, because a good friend of mine reminded me last night that it is wrong... :-) Thanks Keturah!