Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Battle

Well, we just found out that Baby Battle is a BOY!!! I absolutely cannot wait to meet him! I love him so much already, and now I feel like I am totally behind, in being ready for his arrival! We are coming up with a list of names, and Kaitlyn and Richard are so excited too! Baby Battle, what should your name be?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life Flying By...

How can it be that I have not blogged since April??? Where has the time gone? Well we enjoyed a beautiful spring, and a wonderful 3 months of Summer vacation that included a trip to Oregon, time in Santa Cruz and many, many days at my mother's beautiful pool. We celebrated our 1 year anniversary, with a trip to San Francisco with friends, which was fun and we also found out in June that we are expecting Baby Battle #1. It amazes me how quickly our lives can change. Baby will be here sometime in late February and while this pregnancy has been much kinder on my body than Miss K's was, I am still amazed each morning when I wake up and realize that yes indeed I am pregnant and that I have to get prepared. Kaitlyn turned 9 this week, and yet she still seems like my little girl. Another school year began, and we continue to be busy with swim team, soccer practice, and events at church. While I love this time of year, I still look forward to the quiet evenings at home that will come with late fall and early winter weather. Time that hopefully I will be able to use to nest and get ready for baby...