Friday, March 25, 2011


The snow storms of the last few weeks, have really thrown a loop into our normally extremely over-scheduled lives! It has been nice to be at home, (although I am working non-stop on the school yearbook), to spend time just being in our home, forced to be here :-) I have neglected many things, like cleaning and laundry, do to the lack of power, but it is time to begin Spring cleaning! The sun is out today, and will hopefully begin to melt the snow away. Another development in our lives, is Kaitlyn's diagnosis of Candida. Candida is in simple, understandable terms an overgrowth of "bad" yeast in the digestive tract, and must be treated through diet, probiotics, and initially anti-fungal treatment. The diet changes, that are occurring are a wheat free, dairy free, sugar free, fruit free diet for the first stage, and then we shall see what other changes are necessary as we progress. This calls for a major life change in our home, as I can no longer feed Kaitlyn anything that falls in those food groups. Along with my mom, and best friend, I have been spending hours on the internet finding resources, recipes and tips on how to adjust to this change in our lives. It seems initially overwhelming and difficult to comprehend, but the alternative is to continue to see my child in constant pain and embarrassment, when I know that I can help. On a positive note, I am looking forward to the changes it will signal in our lives and how it will finally force me into action, in areas such as a garden, and a diet overhaul that I have been procrastinating on due to sheer laziness. I just pray that this will truly help her and give her body the full health it deserves. On a side note, there is a ton of wonderful information on Candida on the internet through blogs, websites, etc.