Wednesday, November 25, 2015


The littles are tucked in to bed, Papa is at work, Kaitlyn at her dad's and I'm sitting by a warm fire wishing that I had magically already fallen asleep. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am SO excited to wake up, make breakfast and watch the Macy's Parade. I'm exhausted from all the Thanksgiving prep, but I'm happy everyone will get to have a lovely day. This afternoon, while enjoying Bridget Jones Diary, While You Were Sleeping, and several other Christnas movies, I was able to make rolls, green bean casserole, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, pumpkin pie, and gluten free snickerdoodles. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a wonderful day. I love you all! I'm so thankful to be your wife and mommy, 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Letter to Lucas

Tonight little man, we watched you play on your new red saucer with Baby Girl. It was your rocket, and baby girl wanted desperately off. You love her so much, and it makes my heart incredibly dull to witness it. I tucked you in to Kaitlyn's bed tonight, and read to you book after book. You love Olivia books right now. Childhood is but a moment, and your dad and I want to soak up all of it with you.